
Thursday, June 24, 2010

We Love To Put Our Faith Into Things That Crumble

Government, politics, and God...Oh my. That's what I'm going to write about today. Apparently, people with etiquette (obviously not me) would point out that those topics are bad dinner party conversation because they are controversial. Well, I guess I would make a bad dinner guest.

I won't lie, it is tricky to talk about this stuff. It's amazing how sensitive we all are about politics and God. If one of those subjects gets brought up, it seems like we all have some sort of trigger inside of us that goes off and emotions start swirling. I've noticed some Facebook posts recently that have caused this trigger to go off inside of me.

A few days ago, I saw a post on a political leader followed by numerous emotional comments both positive and negative. Just today, I saw a post that was discussing Jesus, God, and the Bible. The viewpoints varied.

Before I dive into some thoughts on politics and God I want to be up front. I try look at this world through a certain lens and that is Jesus and the Bible. Those two things sway every opinion I have. After many years of doubts, questions and study, I truly believe that Jesus is the son of God and that He is the only way to get to God. In the book of John, chapter 14, verse 6, Jesus says "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one gets to the Father except through me." Jesus said it and I believe it. I'm not saying that with any kind of an arrogant tone. It's just what I put my faith in. I also believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God.

As I look through that lens I just described, there are a couple of things regarding politics and God that I want to share. You may not agree with the lens I view the world through, but I'll bet every person reading this agrees with this statement, "We want a better world to live in. We want less pain and more peace. We want less hate and more love. We want less problems and more solutions." I'll bet we all agree those are our hopes. If you agree with that quote, then read on and take a look at the world through this lens I'm talking about.

Here we go...

Many American people have faith that government (in particular, our government) is the greatest hope to make this world a better place to live. Many people put their faith (and votes) in a certain law, a specific political party, or a great political leader. Our own political leaders believe this. One of our last presidential candidates said this, "America's ideals are the last great hope..."

It's a mistake to put our faith into those things. We can't put our faith into things that crumble. Yet, throughout human history, we continue to make the same mistake of depending on governments, politicians, and laws to make this a better and more hopeful world to live in.

I truly believe this is one of Satan's greatest weapons. He wants us to think that our governments, our leaders, our laws, and ourselves can make this a better world. It's a lie and a trap that many of us fall into.

The word Satan comes from a generic Hebrew word that means, "one who tries to block your way". Satan uses our idolatrous faith in politics and government to keep us (block our way) from making this a better world to live in.

Why is our faith in politics a problem? Because Satan loves us to be ineffective. He knows many people are lazy and apathetic and that's exactly what he wants. But he also knows many of us are driven, motivated, and passionate. If he can help guide that passion we have into something that is ineffective, then he's winning. This is why he is referred to in The Bible as a "deceiver" (Revelation 12:9, 20:3) and "disguises himself as an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14).

So here's what I'm not saying. I'm not saying, "Don't vote, it's a waste of time." We should use and be grateful for the rights and privileges we have in our country...just don't depend on them. Jesus said, "Be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."

I'm also saying that I openly put all my eggs in one basket. All my passion, energy, and faith go into Jesus and His church. I truly believe He is the only hope for this world. All my charitable contributions, most of my time, and a ton of my energy go into His church. And church isn't a building. It's a community of people who chase after Jesus and imitate Him with their actions and words.

I've seen more life change and more active hope happen through Jesus, than with any law or political leader. Just today, I heard John Caldwell, the man that baptized me, give his last message as Kingsway Christian Church's pastor and he said something that hit home. I'll paraphrase what he said, "Of all the armies, forces, kings, parliaments, legislatures, and political leaders this world has known, the sum of their influence on this world pales in comparison to Jesus Christ."

Napolean Bonaparte had this to say about Jesus, "Well then, I will tell you. Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself have founded great empires; but upon what did these creations of our genius depend? Upon force. Jesus alone founded His empire upon love, and to this very day millions will die for Him." And I'll add to that, their empires crumbled, and Jesus's remains.

If we truly want a better world filled with more peace, hope, and love, then we need to start putting our faith in Jesus. And for you Christians out there, you need to stop splitting your faith.

So what do we do with that? What's a point of action? Here are some questions to ask yourself and some other ideas, think of some on your own as well.

1. What problem or injustice keeps me awake at night?

2. Would Jesus do something about this problem? Since he refers to himself as "the Truth", we should probably figure out what is important to Him and pretty much leave the other stuff alone.

3. Am I putting my faith in a political leader or law to solve this problem, or am I actually doing something about it myself? You want a great example? My brother, Matt and his wife Rene, have adopted 2 handsome boys, Tristan and Desmond. There are 143 million orphans in the world. You think a law is going to solve that problem? Or will it be people like Matt and Rene who have made a commitment to love God and love others.

4. Am I pouring myself into something that is ineffective? Christians - Do you spend most of your time crafting and forwarding emails to "Keep Christmas as a National Holiday", keep "In God We Trust" on our money and license plates? Really, ask yourself if either one of those arguments is truly helping people? Hungry people, sick people, orphans, and others who don't know the love and power of Jesus need people to love them directly, and not depend on others to do it. Signing a petition to "Keep the National Day of Prayer" doesn't help sickness, hunger, orphans, or the lost. Do we really need a government to give us permission to pray? Is that fight truly needed?

Colossians 1: 16-17 "For by him (Jesus) all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. 17He is before all things, and in him all things hold together."

He is more powerful and more influential than any law.

For some more great thoughts about this kind of stuff, check this article out. Think outside the box!

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of...Obedience?


Sherry Sinovec said...

Well said my friend.

Sherree said...

Not only should we think outside the box but we should throw the box away.
Nice writings, Aaron. Good points and good opinions and thoughts to consider.
I would vote for you for president!

Unknown said...

We run in different circles, but, I find a need for a more informed electorate and not a less involved citizenry. I would beg that spectator sports and reality TV are more effective at "blocking ones way" than politics.

Though I would not condone putting our trust in men, is it wrong to fight for the same principles our Christian faith our based upon? Arguably, liberty and freedom, no state religion, equality (they didn't like it when Jesus introduced this either), bowing to no earthly king? If your quote refers to Lincoln, he referred to freedom (from slavery) for all and these ideals are what made us the last great hope, if someone said it more recently I am unaware.

Should Bonhoeffer have stood against Nazism (no comparison to current administration intended)? Should Jesus have been so concerned with oppressive religious leaders? I would never fight for a holiday, a special prayer day, or to force my beliefs on non-christians. I will fight for freedom and equality. What do parents do daily to make the world safe and secure for their children? Are future laws, debts and freedoms less important than the fastened seat belt versus trusting God and the "mom arm?"

Although, problems are universal and I wouldn't detract from direct action to feed, adopt or evangelize. Isn't it true that most of the hunger, orphaned, aids infected, Bible banning situations are the direct result of an oppressive government that makes substantial and lasting change all but impossible for the people. Americans are able to help them because we are free, that may not always be the case.

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