
Thursday, May 27, 2010

So it begins...

Alright, count me in amongst the masses of bloggers out there, I've given in and joined the club. Before I write this first post, you probably need to know what this blog will be about. Jesus. There, that's it. Him. I know that sounds extremely cheesy and churchy, but if you're reading this you know me well enough to know I don't like cheesiness and much prefer authenticity. And I don't like churchiness, aka, using big fancy words to make myself sound smarter and look Godly. I'm not very smart (2.8 GPA in college) although I did make the Dean's List one semester (Student Teaching) and neither one of my brothers did. What, what! I also won't use words or phrases on here like "Sanctified", "testify", or "Have you been saved by the blood of the lamb?". Yeah, I might wax poetic and tell some stories, but Jesus will be in the center of it all. My hope for this blog is to share how Jesus is working on me (because I fall way short of Him) and how He's working in the world. Maybe in the midst of it somewhere, if I don't bore you too much and you continue reading, you'll bump into Him and good things will happen.

Also, to start this blog off I need to repent of some sin. I have a tendency to be overly cynical, not a good quality. Many times I'll make random statements on Facebook or in conversations simply because I'm an a-hole and being an a-hole comes naturally to me. I appreciate your grace in this area and if you're reading still, please pray, "God, will you please help Aaron to not be such a jerk?"

Now, I'm very transparent and will continue to be. And I'm sure I'll write stuff on here that will piss people off. But that will not be my intention. My intention will once again be to point attention to Jesus, and sometimes that's cool with people, and sometimes it makes them angry. Either way, I hope things written on here spark good, healthy thoughts and conversations about God and Jesus.

Finally, please forgive grammatical and spelling errors. As I stated in the 1st paragraph, "I'm not perfect". In particular, I'll warn you that the rule for "to" and "too" constantly escapes me so get over it and move on.

My first post is a response I wrote to a church when they asked me, "Describe your ideal ministry?" I got a little fired up and wrote a ton of stuff that was basically the equivalent of verbal diarhea. I found this little nugget (get it?) that interested in me because it made me ask myself some tough questions. Check it out...

Maybe this sounds a little cheesy and obvious, but my ideal ministry assignment would be to imitate Jesus’s ministry. He displayed and taught perfect, Godly leadership. One thing I have realized quickly is “I’m not Jesus”, however, my heart beats and breaks for the same things.

My heart beats for the poor, the rejected, the forgotten, and the abused. People like this LOVED Jesus. They followed Him around and flocked to Him hoping they could at least just touch his robe. They would rip open roofs to be in his presence. Unfortunately, we have developed a culture (obviously not Jesus’s fault) that is scared, angry, or disappointed in Jesus. My ideal ministry assignment must be a community that not only serves the judged, the poor, and the rejected, but lives in community with them, i.e., “does life with them”. People who follow Jesus should be spending a disproportionate amount of time with these people, just like Jesus did. I want to create a community that is not only attractive to these people, but a group of people the sick, the judged, the poor, and the forgotten want to be part of. As the leader of this community, I won’t be satisfied unless someone is trying to rip the roof off to get in. Our church’s reputation should strive for the same that Jesus had. People should be clamoring to be with us because we will truly, authentically love and care for people the way Jesus did. We will not stop at “service projects”. Those kinds of things might get us through the front door of people’s hearts, but life change through Jesus will only happen if we are inviting people into a Jesus centered church community like Acts 2. Sending a church bus over to low income housing units on Sunday mornings isn’t going to be good enough. Sending or developing multiple families and couples to live amongst these communities would be the way Jesus would do it and the church in Acts would do it.

After reading this response, it made me first think about my interactions with people. After all, I am supposed to be a "house" of God; welcoming, hospitable, warm. None of those really describe me. Not good. Then it made me think of my home that I live in. Where is it located? Amongst people that Jesus would hang out with? Are they welcome in my home? Would they even want to be in my home? If not, would it be because I have a big screen TV, heat, AC, and food in the fridge? Or because I don't invite them in and break down social barriers? What about my church? Are people willing to find any way in they can, even rip the roof off because they have heard such great things? This question comes from this story 4 dudes ripping the roof off to get to Jesus

I could go on asking lots of questions but I already feel guilty enough. But we can't operate out of guilt. It's not motivating enough. Once again, it comes back to Jesus and what I think and believe about Him. If we operate out of a deep, burning love for Him, then the answers to those questions should start changing. As Trent Renner would say, "Food for thought".


Aaron said...

Great insight(s) Aaron. Really makes me think about how we (all Christians) should be doing ministry.

jon said...

You have the right idea here- your premise for the blog is right on. In my Sunday school class right now we are studying 1 Corinthians, and what you said in your intro reminds me of what Paul says in the second chapter of 1 Cor- "I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified..." Paul had other options. He could have talked about all kinds of things. He could have imitated the oratorical style of the time. But he RESOLVED not to. "Resolved" indicates a conscious choice. I see in your words a quality like Paul. And that is not bad company.

By the way, I have a blog that I write for my Sunday school class- you are welcome to check it out and comment if you wish- I am always happy to hear from people here and "abroad" The blog is I have had a bit of a lull for a while because of the "busy factor", but school ended yesterday and graduation is Saturday, so I hope to get back at it!

Mary said...

Okay will try this again and hopefully you will get this one. I thought it was a good blog and you know I understand where you are coming from, but i have been lead lately to know more about the holy spirit and how we get it out of us. When we get baptized we have the holy spirit in us but then if we are not in the word and walking it out not sure if everyone knows that is how to get the holy spirit out of us. Do you understand what I mean? I do not know what is leading me to learn more about this but in a way it is like a beginner needing to know the rules to know how to go about doing and learing about the holy spirit is like the beginning. Let me know what you think? Hope we can talk and sharpen each other, miss that.. Congrats on the new baby boy but like I tell Tom, he could not make a boy and you cannot make a

Miss you both


Makin' Waves said...

Well...I actually sat and read this blog of yours...Bran told me some exciting things may be on the horizon for you and your ministry. I am happy to hear this and I think you are right on about what Jesus would do. I like your idea about sending followers to live among the people in the poverty stricken communities.

Although, (you knew there would be an although) I see a need for Christ to be in the affluent communities just as much. For if we listen to Jesus talk about how it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom, they need HIm just as much if not more sometimes. I think we can be deceived by what may look broken or shattered and miss the people who put on a good "front" that are truly broken and shattered inside. They may not know how to reach out...I love the saying, "be in the world and not of it"!

I feel like the hardest thing for me to do is to "love people" sometimes (especially in America). But, I know it is what Jesus commands and that's why I had it tattooed on my back. I have a constant reminder to look through His eyes towards all people. Taking into account their life history. It's easy to love people who love you back but those who have taken advantage of you or the govt?? I have issues I pray about...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and listening to others...we miss you and are praying for the future for the Thomas ministry!

Sherree said...

You are keeping your "edge." :-)

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